

利用透视原理,将平面的照片拆解成大小、形状各异的15 个块面,散置于一个三维空间之中。当观众置身于这些高低错落,朝向不一的照片之中时,只能捕捉到一些影像碎片;但是如果站在特定看台上通过一个专门的小孔观看,就会发现所有的碎片将重新组成一张完整的照片。

首次展览于“天桥– 杨振中个展”(荷兰阿姆斯特丹Canvas International Art 画廊,2008)。

photograph installation

Functioning under the law of perspective, the installation presents a photo split into 15 pieces of various sizes and shapes and placed in show space. While audience walks through these fragmented photos installed at different heights and angles, s/he is only able to capture patches of the whole image. Standing behind a peephole designated by artist on a podium, however, one finds all parts are visually recomposed into a single complete piece.

First displayed in 2008 Overpass, Canvas International Art, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2008).