I Will Die/Performer Chapter


The "I Will Die" project started in 2000 and is still ongoing today, click to enter the project.

单频录像  5‘59“
杨振中持续创作二十年的影像项目《我会死的》参与由Tatjana Gürbaca执导、作曲家Aribert Reimann的歌剧新作《The Invisible》,剧作在德国布伦瑞克最古老的剧院Staatstheater Braunschweig上演。观众在剧院门厅和舞台背景的大屏幕上,看到来自世界各地的,无论何种语言、信仰或国籍的人们讲述同一句真理:“我会死的”。在布伦瑞克驻留期间,杨振中拍摄《我会死的》的又一章节:来自不同地区的歌手和演员们将使用各自的母语表演,如英语、希伯来语、汉语、韩语、德语、塞尔维亚语、比利时语、乌克兰语等说出或唱出这句“我会死的”。
singel channel video 5‘59“
“I Will Die”, Yang Zhenzhong’s 20 year ongoing video project be part of Tatjana Gürbaca’s production of Aribert Reimann’s latest opera “The Invisible” at the Staatstheater Braunschweig. On screens in the foyer and on stage, people from all over the world, no matter what language, belief, or nationality will be seen saying the truth: I will die.In Braunschweig Yang Zhenzhong also be creating a new chapter of IWD with the singers/actors of the opera who was speak or sing the words “I will die” in their native languages, such as English, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, German, Serbian and Ukrainian etc.