Light as Fuck II
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首次展览于”自制天堂“,Le Parvwis当代艺术中心,波城,法国
Video, 1 min, loop2003
When the sights in a city no longer bear the historical significance, its images in my memory will become more and more misty (light). Such cities, like Shanghai, make people feel excited and depressed.”–Yang ZhenzhongThen
First displayed in Fabricated Paradises,Le Parvis centre d’art contemporain,Pau,France
首次展览于”自制天堂“,Le Parvwis当代艺术中心,波城,法国
Video, 1 min, loop2003
When the sights in a city no longer bear the historical significance, its images in my memory will become more and more misty (light). Such cities, like Shanghai, make people feel excited and depressed.”–Yang ZhenzhongThen
First displayed in Fabricated Paradises,Le Parvis centre d’art contemporain,Pau,France