Elephant Magazine Showcase
Interviewer: Andrew Spyrou 2014-01-06
1. You have been working as an artist for over 20 years now. Could you please tell me a little about your background and the early days of practicing as an artist in China. What motivated your decision to become an artist, and how has the perception of ‘the artist’ as a member of Chinese society changed over your 20+ year career?
2. I often feel that artists’ educations are more incidental that necessarily relevant to the rest of their careers, but I am interested in hearing whether your education in fashion design and oil painting in the Zhejiang Institute / Hangzhou had any bearing on your later video and photography work?
3. Viewer interaction appears to be a central part of your recent work. Few of your video installations are simply presented on a regular screen - most require at least a little more effort that watching a screen. The same is true of installations like ‘Summer 2009′ and ‘Tresspass’ where the viewers are immersed in the work and can have a different experience the work through a peephole. Could you tell me a bit about this?
4. How do you feel about working in multiple media? I was very impressed that all the works in Trespassing successfully worked together, and that its themes ran through all the works. As a multi-media artist, do you see it as a challenge to weave such themes across the various media, or can this sometimes be a struggle?
当然在trespassing这个展览中作品的选择其实跨越了不同的年代,是很多年来不同方向的尝试的集合。有些是以前的作品复原,有些是最新制作。同时我挑选这些作品放在一起展览,一方面是有一些以前的作品,因为当时条件和环境的限制,都是出现在某个群展里,并且只展览了几天就被拆掉没有机会和条件再次展出(比如“上海的脸”,“鱼缸”等)。另一方面,虽然我很难用语言表述清楚所有这些作品放在一起展览在主题上的联系,但是凭我自己的感觉,它们放在一起展览是有必要并且能互相说明互相对话的。其实展览的主题在英文和中文是不同的,英文是“tresspassing”,中文是“不在此时”(“Not The Moment”),它们也是互相说明,一个关于空间,一个关于时间。
5. You are clearly very interested in space, and the spaces which we inhabit in the cities in which we live, something I am particularly interested in myself (I attach for you a recent article of mine on ‘Urban Interruptionism’ - your piece Xi-An Zoo Bus Stop could very well have been featured if I had known about it at the time!). Further, many of the pieces in Trespassing deal with the control which is imposed upon urban citizens. What is important to you about these ideas? Do you feel that the Chinese population questions the urban control, or do they take it for granted?
6. Shanghai Face is also a powerful work, perhaps emphasising the noise and images we are constantly bombarded with in a city like Shanghai. Having recently moved here, I can immediately see the difference between Shanghai and other metropolises in the way that noise is more pervasive than elsewhere. Should we embrace these features of cities, or is your work a comment on these as failings that could be altered (or blown away, like in Let’s Puff!)?
1997年,因为我在一个杂志社上班做graphic design的工作,从杭州(离上海仅2小时的车程,一个有山有湖,安静悠闲的城市)搬到上海生活。我经常说,生活在上海这样的城市,是一件同时让人兴奋又沮丧的事。来到上海最开始的那几年,这种感觉尤其折磨人,不仅仅是城市景观和噪音的冲击,有时候甚至连呼吸都不适应和困难。但是大城市的这种特征在伤害你的感官的同时,又不可否认地有它的魅力,你会感受到那种类似身处风暴中心的兴奋和不安感觉,必须慢慢地去学会调整自己,学会身处繁杂环境又有办法让自己保持安静的心境和明锐观察力。我是几年之后才适应过来,渐渐开始结交新的朋友,开始新的工作。当然,那种城市生活的感受,也不可避免地在那时期的作品中有或多或少的体现。
7. Sleepwalking is a Therapy III was perhaps my favourite piece in the show - I found it incredibly impressive that a video could inspire such tension and unease in the viewer.
Pleasant Sensation Passing Through Flesh 1-3 is another brilliant yet quite shocking work. It is visually fascinating, yet quite frightening when it dawns on the viewer what they are looking at.
How important is the eliciting of emotion in your art, and do you want to elicit / inspire particular emotions?
8. To what extent is Trespassing ‘China-specific’? Can the themes be directly translated to international urban environments, or are you presenting a commentary on the state of affairs in China?
9. To what extent do you think humour is important in art? Although many of your works deal with very serious contemporary subjects, some of them can also be taken as humorous. Do you find that humour can make light of the serious subjects you are dealing with, perhaps detracting from the message you may want to be conveying, or is humour a conscious way in which to allow people to engage with these subjects?
10. 922 Grains of Rice could be said to deal with both the obsessive statistical nature of our capitalist lifestyle, or the competition inherent in lives the world over - must art be political? I like the idea of Spring Story and see it as tastefully political, as it involves many participants. Do you feel that art with too forceful a political message is unnecessary?
11. To what extent do you feel that you can be / have been defined by your art?
12. Are there any particular artists / movements that you feel you have been directly or indirectly inspired by?
13. When you exhibit around the world, do you get different reactions to your work? How did the reactions to participating in the I Will Die project differ around the world?
14. Finally, I MUST see What You Endure Can Not be Dispelled by Your Enduring. I have certainly felt similar to your protagonist on several days here in Shanghai!